Swedish language court interpreters

Each translation is a new product, a new author's work, so that not every translation is the same. That's why prices vary from case to case. If you want to find out the price of your translation, send us a request.


words in Swedish


Swedish is North Germanic language which separated from former Old Norse language in the 8th century and it is similar to other Scandinavian languages. The written rules of Swedish have their origin in the former pronunciation of words, but today's pronunciation is not in accordance with written forms. Swedish language was under great influence of Low German, English and French.

The first book in Swedish was printed in 1495. Contemporary Swedish developed with the translation of the Bible under the order of King Gustav Vase in 1541 and the standardized language was formally established in the 20th century. Traditionally, there are 6 dialects, but over 100 dialects are recognized in the modern language and they differ from the standard Swedish language which is based on the pronunciation of Stockholm.

We have part-time court interpreters for Swedish language in our team and therefore we can always respond to your needs quickly and translate and certify documents for which the stamp of a Swedish language court interpreter is necessary.

Our court interpreters for Swedish language are at your disposal when you need:



  • Translation by court interpreters for Swedish language
  • Fieldwork in cases when the presence of a court interpreter for Swedish language is necessary, as well as any other forms of verbal translation.
  • Certification of already translated texts
  • Editing and proofreading of Swedish texts

We also offer:

  • Translation from Swedish into Serbian
  • Translation from Serbian into Swedish
  • Translation from Swedish into other foreign languages
  • Translation from other foreign languages into Swedish